Size Matters – The Perfect Length For A Non Profit Video Production

Let me add my name to the dubious list of marketers who have used "size matters" in a marketing message. One of the most frequent questions I get when meeting with a client is, "How long should the video be?" It's a great question that you should carefully consider when delivering video over the web. The simple answer is 2 minutes or less. And less than 90 seconds is even better.


That's great you say but what if there is no possible way to cram everything into that short a time frame? Some famous thinker once said, "If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter." There's always some room to make a message or story shorter. And when that doesn't work, make more than one video. As I've written before, there is a lot of value in creating multiple videos instead of one longer one.

Like anything, there are exceptions to the rule. Here are 3 scenarios where bending the 2-minute rule can make sense.

A Familiar Audience

Dealing with viewers who are familiar with or have an existing relationship with your organization are very different than strangers who you are trying to attract for the firt time. People you know will have a higher interest level and be more willing to spend more time watching your video. This isn't an open invitation to add fat to your video. You will always want to keep it tight and entertaining. Think of it as the difference between a TV show and a movie. People will invest more time watching a movie than a TV show but if either aren't very good, they will change the channel.

A Targeted Audience

When you are casting a wide net, short is always the best route. But sometimes it's not about casting the widest net. Sometimes it's about targeting a very specific group. Targeted groups will spend more time watching your video even if they aren't familiar with your organization. The key is to make sure the messaging and content speak directly to them. The thought bubble over their head should read, "These guys understand where I'm coming from and know what information I'm interested in." In the video at the bottom of the post, I am targeting marketing people in nonprofits who are interested in making a video.


A Live Audience

When you are showing the video at a live event, all bets are off on the 2-minute rule as long as you can pull them away from their smartphones :) When I'm producing a video for a live event, I'm shooting for a run time of between 5 and 10 minutes. It's much easier to hold someone's attention when they are sitting in an audience instead of in front of their computer.

So keep your next nonprofit video production short and think carefully before breaking the 2-minute rule. When in doubt, shorter is always better!

Need help producing your next video? Check out our video tutorial below. We have an easy process and guide you can use that will guarantee great results.


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